It feels as thoug most of the releases I have reviewed on this site have been dark and filled with emotionally intense lyrics; I guess that’s a respresntation of what I have been listening to lately. That said; I have decided to head the other direction, and review one of the most light hearted and fun releases of the year. Kitty Kat Fan Club (KKFC) is the latest project from Asian Man Records’ Mike Park and is a band dedicated to writing songs about cats. Those who know me know I am a cat lover and it is no surprise that KKFC’s first release the 4 song EP “Songs About Cats” has taken my fancy.
There really isn’t much to say about this release, coming in at just 7minutes and 40 seconds it is quick to hit you with the positive up beat vibes that come with cats, and seems to be over as soon as it has delivered the burst of positivity that the listener needs. Similar to The All Brights last year, KKFC don’t take themselves too seriously and provide a nice break from the overly seriously world of punk from which it is born.
I have found myself listenting to this album at work when I am overly stressed or anxious and it brings a smile to my face and allows me to refocus on my work. If you have the time to watch the video to “Talk About Love”, I guarantee it will provide even more of a boost than just listenting to the record.
I have no idea if the plan for this band is to eventually release an album, or just continue to have fun together and put out songs here and there, but I can guarantee that I will be keeping my ear our for more songs about cats. I struggle to give an amazing rating to what I consider to be a novelty record, however it is important to remember that this is music that I put on when I am anxious and it makes me feel better; for that reason it is likely of more value than I have rated it.
Matt Power
28 August 2016
Full Disclosure
Feeling Happy/Anxious
Drinking Water
Recent Listening Apologies, I Have None
How I Listened Sony XBA-3 Headphones
NoteĀ I love cats.
Artist Kitty Kat Fan Club
Album Songs About Cats
Released 5 Aug 2016
Label Asian Man Records
Tracks 4
Run Time 7 minutes 40seconds
Genre Power Pop