Soy Flat White – Awkward Mikes

Awkward Mikes is a small Brunswick cafe that sits directly adjacent to my tram stop (Blyth St/Route 96). Every morning since I have worked this job I’ve smelt the aroma waft across to the tram stop and until today, my last at this workplace, have never tried it.

The cafe has a cool logo made up of a scarecrow looking face (also looks like Milky Joe) above some crossed portafilters. Inside its hipster and a little punky with posters on some walls and tattoo style drawings on the others. The coffee is served in a plain white cup with no stamp, which I like, but it’s not biodegradable and for the first time ever my coffee has a bright green lid. I’m going to put that down to being “Shamrock” branded the day before St Patty’s.

My coffee is too hot to hold in one hand which isn’t a great sign on a cool morning. After 5 minutes has passed and I take my first sip I burn my tongue, getting worse… This time I allow the coffee to properly cool before drinking it. The milk has a good consistency and hasn’t suffered from being burnt (Bonsoy) but the coffee it’s self has lost its flavour in the heat and my tongue has lost its taste.

I’d like to try breakfast at this cafe but I won’t be holding out for another coffee.

Matt Power
6 May 2018

Venue Awkward Mikes
Location Brunswick, VIC, AU
Style Soy Flat White
Milk Bonsoy
Beans Atomic Coffee

Note – Awkward Mikes has since closed.